When we got DirecTV at home I got another slimline dish setup and a bunch of cable off Craigslist. I made a base from PVC tubing and take one of our receivers from home when we travel. I use a compass and an inclinometer (both cheap) to aim it. It takes me maybe ten minutes to get it pointed. We've traveled all over the west and never not been able to get it set up. One of the online satellite locators will give you the coordinates...use the compass & inclinometer to get it close then just nudge it a bit to get it right on. I use the signal strength screens on the receiver, the cheapie little buzz boxes don't seem to work that well for HD. Depending on your receiver/dish combo you might also need an inline power supply...about $10 off eBay. We get all the same stuff as at home except the local channels if we go very far, all in HD. No need to spend hundreds of $ on it.