Whether it's Directv or Dish network we always replicate the set-up installed at our home. We currently are subscribed with Dish network and utilize Dish 1000.2 sat antenna mounted on a tripod, takes roughly 10 minutes to set-up with open southern skies. Works great with our Hopper and Super Joey but we grew tired of bringing them back and forth every time we went RVing. Purchased a couple of VIP receivers for $70 that just stay in our rig.
On our current rig our exterior satellite tv coax input did not directly go to the satellite interior coax output, we found satellite signal ran into a splitter first which will not pass sat signal through to receiver. You could run coax from sat antenna directly to sat receiver and then to TV to see if equipment is operational, if that works okay there might be an issue with the coax wiring within your rig. We performed a 10 minute mod to allow sat signal to reach sat receiver unhindered.
Although it is a simple process to point a tripod mounted sat antenna, it can be a frustrating experience until you get the hang of it. We found Dish network a bit more challenging particularly when attempting to capture all 3 satellites for HD content, of paramount importance is to have the tripod as plumb as possible. Peg center (119) satellite first, with skew and elevation properly set other two satellites should also be locked in. Most issues are coax related, ensure coax used is good and all connections are tight.