Forum Discussion

debili's avatar
Jan 10, 2017

Shower wont drain

Ok now yet another issue that I have no clue why this would be happening....took a shower this am and shower did not drain first time ever...what would cause this...I closed my grey tanks yesterday as we are having a bit warmer weather and will try to drain the frozen black tank as it warms. Why would the shower not be draining? sinks and toilet working fine...anyone? I am guess the drain hoses for sink and shower are not the same and possibly the drain hose from shower could be frozen? please advise if you can
  • debili wrote:
    Ok now yet another issue that I have no clue why this would be happening....took a shower this am and shower did not drain first time ever...what would cause this...I closed my grey tanks yesterday as we are having a bit warmer weather and will try to drain the frozen black tank as it warms. Why would the shower not be draining? sinks and toilet working fine...anyone? I am guess the drain hoses for sink and shower are not the same and possibly the drain hose from shower could be frozen? please advise if you can

    Had this happen last year. The RV repair guy removed the silver screen and put a toilet plunger over the opening and pushed up and down. Then he removed any debris in the opening. Solved the problem.
  • well could be grey is full indicators one is at 2/3 and the other full wow I usually do not have it closed only did that to try to flush out black if I can get it to drain...these are all such simple things but I am just very inexperienced...will try to drain the black and will open up grey its above 36 here today dont know if that is gonna do it...ill be back LOL
  • Plugged screen in the shower pan. Take the top screen off and look.
  • ok Im in a 2011 Jayco Eagle 351 RLTS...I went into basement turned on the little heater I have down there remove the larger panel not sure which pipe is the drain from shower not sure I can even see that I will give it a little while and check it again...
  • Or, your grey tank is full. Most grey systems are designed to back up into the shower when full..
  • dewey02 wrote:

    Just like in your sticks and bricks. The sink and shower have P traps to form a water seal so the stink doesn't come up through the drain and into your trailer.

    Exactly. Most likely your p-trap goes through a bay or other un-heated portion of your trailer. Most likely it is frozen as well.

  • debili wrote:
    ok I am not familiar with what you are calling P trap...where is that? I apologize new to RVing new full timer...and a single lady so am pretty much winging it here...what kind of details can I give you?

    Just like in your sticks and bricks. The sink and shower have P traps to form a water seal so the stink doesn't come up through the drain and into your trailer. It looks like this and can probably be accessed by a removable panel. In my travel trailer, mine is behind the dinnette bench.

    If you provide the make, model and year of your 5'er, then other people who are familiar with that model can provide you with more specific answers or suggestions.

  • ok I am not familiar with what you are calling P trap...where is that? I apologize new to RVing new full timer...and a single lady so am pretty much winging it here...what kind of details can I give you?
  • You are kind of short on details but it could be a frozen p-trap on the shower...