Cummins12V98 wrote:
I would think the 400 gallon capacity of the $90 filters would go fairly quickly.
Thoughts on using regular "GOOD" water to do the wash and use CHUCK for the rinse?
Do you need to use their soap?
My Dad loved the Mr Clean system but not enough buyers so they quit production.
I DID use the water bypass that is on there.. I used my regular well water to wet first, then soap, and rinsed with the DIonized ( CHUCK WATER) water..
They sell a bypass for $50.00,,, go to any big box store and get 2 of the metal ( or plastic) "Y" connectors and an 18" piece of stainless braided hose .. Hook it up as your bypass...
I just trow 2 levers to get clean water and bypass the chuck water... then visa-versa