Forum Discussion

kjsweet's avatar
Jul 01, 2017

Slide Floor Replacement

I was wondering if anyone might be able to help. I have & a dealer have made numerous attempts to reach Open Range to get pricing for a new floor for the bedroom slide and cannot get response from them at all.
My question is there another route I can take or another place I may be able to purchase this? Any suggestions would be of great help.

2011 Open Range 424 RLS
Bedroom, Laundry Slide
  • kjsweet wrote:
    I was wondering if anyone might be able to help. I have & a dealer have made numerous attempts to reach Open Range to get pricing for a new floor for the bedroom slide and cannot get response from them at all.
    My question is there another route I can take or another place I may be able to purchase this? Any suggestions would be of great help.

    2011 Open Range 424 RLS
    Bedroom, Laundry Slide

    Trailer Life Action line for assistance.
  • kjsweet wrote:
    I need a 4ft x 12ft floor
    That's the same size I have to replace. What you run into is they don't make 4 X 12 sheets of plywood. Basically you have to laminate 4x8 sheets together to the correct thickness and size. My understanding is you can purchase the 4x12 sheets from the mfg but it's the same chip board material that rotted out and it's not cheap.
  • A good lumber yard, or one of the big box lumber stores should have marine grade plywood.

    That's a pretty big floor, my little bedroom slide was not too hard, but I would hesitate to tackle a slide that large and heavy.
  • I replaced all three slide floors used marine grade plywood. Bedroom slide is the easiest.
  • I used regular plywood when I replaced the bedroom slide floor. Your dealer, if he's competent, should be able to find a source. I suppose you could use marine grade, but I figured it shouldn't really be necessary, since the leak has been fixed.
  • I'm in the process of having a slide out floor replaced in my RV. I will use a independent shop.