"Huh? Sticker on my 2500HD says total for passengers and cargo shall not exceed 3267 I don't doubt that your truck can handle that light fw but 3520 lbs?
Sorry I saw bfl13 on here so much, I forgot who was the OP "
Can't answer without further use of my name. I did not hijack this thread. I was answering the OP.
Ok, my truck has 3520 because it is a gas 6.0/410 with the lighter 4 speed transmission that came with that gas engine, and it is 2wd.
The same truck with 4wd can only carry about 400 lbs less, and the Diesel version can hardly carry anything because it has a 700 lb more heavy engine and an Allison tranny that weighs about 400 lbs more than the 4-speed. So a 2003 4wd Diesel same truck, would have maybe 3520 - (400 + 400 + 700) = 2020 and with 750 people that leaves 1270 Cargo and with a 250 lb hitch, a pin wt of 1020 lb (loaded!) 5er which is just a joke. :(
Which is why all those Diesel 2500HDs back then were over-loaded with a 5er, and why GM since then, upped the specs later on to "get with the program"
The newer Chevs have different specifications where they can both pull more and carry more, but I doubt they have any change in the difference in what a gas can carry vs a Diesel, and what a Diesel can pull vs a gas. 4wd costs you weight no matter what the engine and tranny choice.
If you want to talk trucks, go to the "tow vehicle" forum.