Ok---a little bit puzzled here ???how did this topic appear out of the blue????:h
Anyways the drawdown bolt with 40 PSI on it-(LBS torque) the main purpose of it is to stabilize and because you're pulling up on that pin that holds the bar in--- OK and then you put 60 or 80 LBS TORQUE on the U-Bolts.(dont remember which)
The bar is transferring the load or torsion down to your frame Mount --and like he said the plates part is just kind of stabilized and everything.
If you look at it 40 pounds of torque is not very much at all.
40 LBS TORQUE PRESSURE, Spread out over thr LENGTH& WIDTH of the Companion"Base"..... Really is negligible-- hardly any pressure at all when you spread it out over that square footage.
The TUBE is transfering the Weight,Tension,etc---- to the Turnover mount,which transfers it to THE FAME.:W