Forum Discussion

R_-_E_W9's avatar
Feb 24, 2015

sub freezing travel

Ok we have had enough cold. not waiting for Mother Nature. Leaving Michigan March 3rd heading south. We have traveled lots but not in these temps.

How do I keeping the canned goods etc. from freezing while on the road.
Looks like 7 hrs on first leg of the trip.

Normally there is a break in the weather when we can escape.

Thanks for the help.
  • Furnace. But why haul the stuff? Just have a few snacks and eat out until you get to the destination.
  • We headed out of the cold in MN in January, and unfortunately came back to below zero temps last week (don't ask, long story, but we WON'T be returning when it's that cold next year:)

    On the way down we left the 5er winterized, turned the fridge on, and set heat at ~50deg. Loaded up food etc, and hit the road. Did a long day to mid-Kansas where we dewinterized. After that it was normal ~cold travel for a couple days with fresh water tank full and head left on around 55 when traveling and turned up some when we got in.

    On the way back up we kind of did the reverse. Drove to Chanute KS where we winterized, and then left heat and fridge on at 50/55 while we drove home to 0deg weather where we emptied stuff out and asked ourselves why we came back so soon!

    Good luck, safe travels.
  • I'd run the furnace on the lowest possible setting, if I were going to motel for the first couple of nights.

    If I were going to sleep in it I'd set the thermostat for 20 C (68 f) and trundle down the road. Just make sure you have lots of propane.
  • I would avoid having much that would freeze in the trailer. You can go to the store after you get to warmer weather. Just take the basics and like said above put the stuff your worried about freezing in a cooler. Good luck, John.
  • Our first winter heading South in early Feb, set the furnace on 50/55 and didn't worry about it. But before doing such, double check that your slides or anything doesn't cover the heat registers.
    Now we leave before any chance of cold and don't return until all threat of cold is past.
  • With the (replacement) thermostat I put in the RV (digital Coleman) I can set the heat to as low as 35(F). I tend to leave the propane and heat set from when I de-winterized (two weeks ago) until all chance of cold has passed.

    Which probably has, the flowering Cherries and Plums are in full bloom, the Forsythia has started blooming as have many spring bulbs.

    I also live well north of most of you (the west coast has had a really early spring)
  • I would run the furnace. What is it going to be like in there when you stop?..with no heat.

    Your pipes are at risk sans furnace.
  • Do you carry a cooler? Just put em' in there.

    Turn on the heating strips under the holding tanks and keep em' close to that area.

    Haul em' in the truck.

    We always ran the furnace in our MH, wonder if you could just keep the furnace running in a 5th Wheel?

    We're changing to a Fiver this week so interested in what others have to say.