Forum Discussion

moll672's avatar
Jun 23, 2014

Suspension noise while reverse turning

Had an EQUA-FLEX equalizer, new shackles, new "never fail" bushings and new bolts installed last week by a trailer shop. Noticeable improvement in ride quality, definitely less chucking. Only problem now is that there is a real loud banging noise from somewhere on the suspension when turning in reverse. Not a continuous banging almost a cracking then quiet. Looked underneath, but cant see any signs of wear. Nothing wrong when reversing in a straight line. Wondering if this is torque on the system with the turning movement? Not sure what noise there before changes as trl is new to us. I guess there is always going to be some noise due to forces on system while turning.
Any comments or input appreciated. Going to call trl shop and maybe Lippert as well for their thoughts.
  • My rear shackles made noise too. By the time I realized what was happening I tore up all 4 of my tires. Even without noise I now crawl under my RV and do a visual inspection for stress cracking or anything that looks out of place. Especially the shackles which take alot of stress on your turns.
  • To update....had trl guys check it out and could find nothing wrong. That was 2 weeks ago. Just returned from Thompson, Manitoba, 6000kms round trip and everything is working fine. Noise is still there. New suspension made world of difference to trl ride. Would recommend as a mod, not cheap but worth it.
  • Doesn't sound quite right. Ours used to make a lot of noise when changing from forward to backward as the equalizers moved. But if you just had the EZ Flex suspension installed you shouldn't be hearing that anymore.

    I agree that you should have someone back there listening to see if they can narrow down the area where the noise is originating. Have it checked out for sure.
  • Called trl guy and taking it in tomorrow for a check. Hoping to leave for 3 week trip on Wednesday!! Also replaced brake assembly back plate on same side as noise not sure if related? Hopefully my mind will be put at ease tomorrow. Thanks for the replies.
  • I don't mean to downgrade the issue as the noise you hear WILL get your attention. However, I have never seen a trailer that doesn't make a similar noise under the same conditions. It's easy for me to say don't worry about it, but it is most probably nothing to worry about and you will get used to it. The next time your in a campground, watch and listen to other units and you will hear the same noise.
  • I wouldn't let them ignore it. You need to have someone back there while you cause it to make noise. I know my tires will get all squirrely looking as they are twisted and that's normal, but I have no noises. I did new springs, dexter easy flex(?), axle flip.