Thanks Everyone for the advice, After looking a bit closer into the F350 Dully options ,I now see where they offer a 25k hitch, would this be the Reese hitch some of you are talking about? or is it another Reese hitch sold else where. It looks like I will be fine with a 350 over the 450 just seems odd to me that the payload doesn't go up with the 450 and only max tow goes up, I think because of the gearing... However seems to me f350 and 450 are the same truck.
I may be wrong and it would not be the first time...:)
Anyway wont beat a dead horse...Going with the F350 dully KR version 4x4 pretty much loaded as it looks everything comes with it.
Oh by the way I also see they offer some kind of pre heater for the truck, never had a diesel before and don't want everyone being cold. Any thoughts?
Thanks again everyone for taking the time to help.