I thought you had seen my whole build so I really didn't get all in detail. Here is a link to some pics and details:
Cyclone BuildI crimped all connections although the though had crossed my mind to solder after crimping.
I was also unable to get equal length cables to my third battery without giving up most of the front cabinet. Hope it doesn't cause a huge problem. Not adding the third battery would have solved that issue....live and learn I guess.
You won't have that issue since you are building around the components in mind.
I would love to get together with "Like Minded" people who appreciate a serious, durable, efficient, self contained build instead of the wasteful drones who believe more bling, 3+ A/C units, and bigger louder generators is the way to go.
I do enjoy telling the uninformed that I "Only" have 12v batteries.........Big ones!
Have you thought about energy efficient heat yet? Catalytic? Sig marine heater?