westernrvparkowner wrote:
We have had to adjust our site occupancy guidelines to account for triple axle rigs. Several sites we used to consider appropriate for all rigs are now restricted to "no triple axle fifth wheels". Unfortunately, triple axle rigs require a country mile to make a turn and we have gotten tired of the need for them to drive across the fronts of neighboring sites to make a turn any other rig can easily make staying on the driving surface. The sum total of all that is we only have a very few sites in which we allow triple axle fivers and if they are sold out, we won't accommodate them in any other site. So there is at least a few parks in the world that having a triple axle rig will make it harder to get a site.
As far as turning radius, what is the difference between a 40' 2 axle and a 40' 3 axle?