Every now and then I see a 5th wheeler with a tripod under the pin, apparently for added support. Does this really do anything? The trailer sits on the wheels, the landing gear and the rear levelers?
We use the tripod when we are sitting for a week or more, it does cut down on minor vibration only felt when one of us is upstairs and the other sitting in the rear. Also makes a handy spot to lock up the bikes.
The Mountain Aire has a narrow frame due to the duals (8 tires on two axles) and the BigFoot had to go inside the frame rails for a couple of reasons. As a result our front jacks are not as far apart as optimal.
Works for some, not so much for others. Doesn't seem to work as well with tall, heavy 5th wheels. We got rid of ours, which did nothing, when we installed the JT Strongarms.
I've only seen one in use in many years of camping. That fellow said it did not do much, but he was using it because he had bought it but did not use it about as much as he did use it. When we had a 5th wheel, I never considered one. You will just have to decide for yourself it the minor "aid" is worth the bucks to you.
Thanks for the many, quick replies. If it's not a major necessity, I don't think I'll spend the money, plus it's just something else to pack and unpack. Vacations are supposed to reduce your workload. :)
I just installed JT Strongarm stabilizers. What a huge difference! I will sell the tripod now.
If you are looking for an inexpensive solution to stabilizers, search homemade stabilizers. You can use ratcheting cargo bars and get very similar results!