Forum Discussion

ultracde's avatar
Jul 21, 2014

Trouble on the Road

While traveling to our week long vacation spot in Schroon,NY, our F250 V10 has seized/blown after low oil pressure warning. Can anyone from this NY area share some advice on where to take our truck? A tow company took our truck to our destination. Another RVer thankfully moved our rig. We are close to 400 miles from our NJ home. Any local information would be so appreciated.
  • golf_bears wrote:
    If the dip stick shows full and the engine is frozen (won't turn over) your oil pump is the problem. If the engine froze then it will have to be replaced.

    sounds like you may be onto something I'm pretty sure they put the warning lights and things on there for a reason
    And,,, if you get the warning and you continue to drive maybe the engines not getting oil
    just a thought here......

    If the oil pump Failed,and you drove TEN MILES towing the 5er....You may have siezed the motor...Burned the bearings, shot crank,Cylinder walls,pistons,rings, rockers.....$$$$$$$$$
    Do you have a place near home,that you trust???????
    Either way,does not sound good.
  • If the dip stick shows full and the engine is frozen (won't turn over) your oil pump is the problem. If the engine froze then it will have to be replaced.
  • How many miles are on your truck? Are you sure the motor is blown? Will it not start now? Need more info if we are to help. Good luck, John
  • I have a 2000 F-250, V-10. Last fall, when driving to work, my Oil Pressure guage dropped to zero.... I pulled off the road and shut it down. It was idling fine. Started it back up, and the oil pressure went back up to normal. I turned around and drove home. Right in front of the house, it dropped to zero again. Ended up being the Oil Sender unit. It was cheap...I was in and out of the shop in an hour...less then $100 bucks total.

    Good Luck
  • 2005. No warranty. We were less than 10 miles from our destination when warning came on. Warning did go off and on a few times. We did stop...truck had oil and was not running hot.
  • How old, Warrenty???...How long after LOW OIL warning did the truck get driven???? I do believe a "Low Oil Warning"...May mean something......:h........

    Any small repair shops near???

    Have it Hauled back home at end of Vacation, by RV Hauler, and fix truck locally???

    Lots of options really.
  • Crate motor's the fastest solution, though these days, a rebuild of the original may be =more= expensive than a crate engine, given the insane labor rates shops charge. Assuming no warranty, here.

  • Trade it for a new/newer truck. Sadly that might be the cheapest solution. Or be prepared to spend about eight thousand on repairs that could take weeks.