The plot thickens...
Yesterday I went to pick it up from the dealer. They told me everything was all good-to-go and said the porter would bring my rig out to the parking lot for me. Of course the first thing I did was test it out for myself. No change whatsoever: It got about 99% level and then tried to tip itself all the way over before it finally errored out. All three wheels were off the ground on the high side. I was worried it wasn't going to stop this time.

I brought the service writer back out and he went and grabbed a different tech (luckily). It turns out that yes, they had fixed a bad ground, but no, the original tech hadn't tested it. This other tech messed with it for about two minutes before he discovered something that always seemed weird to me: How come when you press the right button, the left jacks deploy and vice versa? He quickly switched the hydraulic lines and that fixed it. I tested it myself and it worked like a champ.
Now the autolevel works for the first time ever and the memory level finally works so I can press left+right and it raises the nose to the same level it was when I unhitched. Yay!