OH48Lt wrote:
You aren't going to get much of an inspection for the $12.75 - $14.00 figures mentioned above. The best you're going to get is a minimum wage beginner being told by his boss to go out and see if the tires hold air and the lights work. Certainly won't get the brakes inspected properly, frame inspected for cracks and bad welds, wheel bearings inspected, etc, etc. And I'd be dam**d if he is going to drive MY truck to pull the trailer around the block.
Sorry to contradict but in TEXAS the vehicle inspector, not the station as a whole, must be certified by the state to inspect any vehicle or trailer. A MINIMUM WAGE BEGINNER CANNOT INSPECT! If the DPS finds that this is happening, the station loses it license and some their business. If the inspector follows the states schedule of what to inspect, all things that you list should be inspected. Yes some skimp and do a visual on the exterior and move on and have the mindset to "move it in and then move it out".
I went thru a checkpoint just north of Gatesville, TX on Hiway 6 4 years ago and my 5er's inspections sticker was out by 2 months, 250 bucks later, I had a new inspections sticker and a vivid reminder that its the law, not a choice.