Strabo wrote:
Y-Guy wrote:
Heads up to to those that may come to comment from outside the Toy Hauler group, please realize many of the Toy Hauler owners do not camp in campgrounds, they are out in the middle of the desert camping with miles between other campers. So before you make issues about loud music etc. know that unless you go with them camping, you'll probably never hear them.
Last year at pismo we had a visit from the rangers about our music volume, it was after midnight, no amplified sound after that time....It was just country music.
That camp had all three groups....Hooligans, Ratz and Glamis Dune Ballers
Dude you on crack aint no country on my stuff....
I had some pretty good JVC's on my old WW just under 2-1/2 inch depth and sounded good.
What I have now are infinity's up top that peek thruough the back into the cabinet and closit so I built boxes on the interior.
My bottoms are inside a door I take you dont have that option? their not marine reguler mb quart because they sound better than marine stuff.
Lots of amp :B