Phase3 wrote:
I just got the '26FB last week. Dealer told me I DON'T need sway/leveling bars. Livin Lite rep said not necessary. Mechanic said that drilling through the boxed trailer chassis and using metal bolts through the aluminum is not a good idea. Metal bolts will elongate the drilled holes from stress.
I'm not crazy about buzzing down the highway at 75mph and this thing throwing my quad cab in a ditch when a gust of wind strikes etc.
What are your thoughts?
I would agree with your dealer. You do not need weight distributing bars on this trailer. The jury is still out on the swaybar though. My dealer installed both, but their idiots as far as I'm concerned. The trip down to Daytona was not fun with the WD bars installed the way they told me. Before I arrived at my current location I removed them complety and it towed better, still not right though. The trailer is waging down the highway. Even though I have two Honda 2000 generators in the front storage compartment along with a few heavy tool boxes and jacks, the trailer is loaded with all the stuff I need to vend in the back of the din-net set to the rear makes for a very light tounge weight. On my return trip I'm placing some of the heavy items over and forward of the axles where the sofa is. I'm also placing some of the other heavy items in my truck. I think you need at least 600 lbs of tongue weight for this to properly tow and I doubt I have much more then two hundred the way it was loaded on the way down. I'll let you know how things turn out on my return trip in a day or two.