Mar 03, 2013Explorer
vrv toyhauler
I am thinking of getting a VRV toyhauler. My total weight with gear,water,propane etc and weight of trailer should be about 6000lbs. I have heard that the tongue weight is about 10 to 15% of total w...
09KZMXT266 wrote:Carrera man wrote:09KZMXT266 wrote:CoyleClan wrote:
I am new to this forum and am stoked about purchasing a VRV! Only problem is my husband wants to see one first which is understandable and seems to be a common problem. The closes place to us that has them in stock is 5 hours away. I was wondering if anyone in this forum lived closer than 5 hours from Jacksonville, Florida and wouldn't mind showing their VRV off to us :) We love everything about the VRVs and are going to get either the VRV XTR 6x14 or 6x19/7x19 or Livin Lites VRV 6x18.
Also, the guy that makes the VRV XTR says with a Honda Pilot that we would not enjoy towing anything larger than 6 feet....anyone have experience with this? This will be our first camper and first towing experience.
Welcome to the forum. I too am wanting to get a VRV XTR. I'm thinking of the 614B (bath only model). I really wish he'd get final floor plans and pictures for us to see. I'm ready to order one now, but not until I at least see final plans and pics.
Apparently having a 6' vs. 7' wide makes a big difference in wind resistance. I'm going to error on the side of caution since, like you, will be towing with a V6. Good luck on your purchase.
I think we're talking about VRV made Livin Lite not the person who left Livin Lite and is trying to start their own business.
Actually she was talking about or at least mentioned both, so I commented because I too am considering a VRV XTR 614B and a Quicksilver VRV 6x15. I see nothing wrong with talking about both, but if you like, I'll start my own thread.