No, I do not actually have one. It was just info for consideration. I do not have one for the reasons I stated. When I was looking this info came from salesmen and factory reps.
I didn't say they won't do a load of wash but they will not do a load of wash that most uninformed people think of doing as they do at home. Just wanted the OP to be aware of that fact.
You mention that you do a SMALL load and let it run ALL day while you do other things. Yes, that will do some laundry and it is a great way to keep up with things. I just don't think it is doing laundry as many of the uninformed think of it.
I don't doubt that they have their place but just keep in mind that you will most likely not be doing your entire weeks worth of wash on a Saturday.
Just info and I'm in no way suggesting someone shouldn't own one.
BB_TX wrote:
LetsRV wrote:
Just something to keep in mind. You're trailer does not have 240v power like your home does for the dryer.
It will take a very very (!) long time to dry most anything using only the 110v in the trailer.
Just something to keep in mind. A small load of unmentionables shouldn't be a problem (wash and dry) but an actual load of clothes (similar to what you are used to at home) could be an all day adventure.
I am curious if you actually have one.
The DW washes our towels and washcloths, king size sheets and pillow cases, my shirts and jeans, and her clothes in our combo. Yes each load size is fairly small. But the wash and dry time is not that excessive. And with the combo unit, she just puts a load in, sets it to wash AND dry, and we go do whatever we want and come back later to a clean and dry load of laundry.