shug23 wrote:
ok I am to have to go see how all the plumbing lines are set up...I haven't had to mess with them ever....Is a check valve easy to identify ? I may have to call one of the mobile repair guys because I am starting to get over my head
It's a pretty easy fix, if you can get to your water pump. If not, then yes, by all means have someone do it for you.
So, RV water pumps already have a 1-way valve built in so that pump can build pressure, and shuts off. You cannot see it, because it is inside the pump housing. When you hear folks that are not on city water connection, say that their pump runs for a second or so every few minutes with no water usage, its usually because the one-way valve built in the pump is leaking back into the tank, causing the pump to lose pressure. The remedy is to either replace the pump, or add one of these one-way valves to the inlet/suction side of the pump:
One-way ValveThis assumes your water pump connections are the standard 1/2" threaded barb fittings. You would unthread the line coming from the water tank going to the pump, and insert this in between and reconnect. Might need some teflon tape, to ensure there is no air leak or the pump won't work correctly.
I hope this helps.