Once your fresh water tank has filled (check the control panel or just wait till you see the overflow) try just turning off the city water and running your pump to pull water from the fresh water tank. Whenever the tank has reached empty, turn the pump off and re-open the city water inlet. See if it still is diverting to the fresh tank. Sometimes doing this a tank or two and the check valve will release itself.
If that doesn't work for you, changing out the pump is fairly easy. If you need a visual there are dozens of youtubes that show you how to do it. Once you locate the pump behind whatever partition (mine is behind the partition that's in the front storage bin) it's a simple plug and play of 2 or 3 wires.
If your trailer is still under warranty, the mfg may just send you a new pump for free (Forest River did that for me when I had your same problem)