Forum Discussion

Wisconsin_Bums's avatar
Nov 02, 2017

Check valve

Have a 2014 cedar creek. There is a check valve in it . It switches between fresh water and black water flusher.The darn thing leaks had new one put in, that leaks. Both are plastic. Repairman wants to put in a brass one, he said they are best. Anyone else have this problem?
  • Yeah, these anti-vacuum plastic switches are a known problem. Your plumber is correct: replace with a brass one and you won't have any more leaks.
  • I leave the leaking check valve there and add a manual ball valve that I shut off and open as needed.

  • TXiceman wrote:
    I leave the leaking check valve there and add a manual ball valve that I shut off and open as needed.

    I think we're talking about different things. The plastic anti-vacuum will leak all over the inside of the wall if you try to use it and it's broken. The ball valve won't help that.