Forum Discussion

abc40kids's avatar
Aug 13, 2015

What are these two lines for?

One blue and one red side by side and come out below the camper right under water heater. Also these same two lines enter the compartment with all my water / cable hookups from the direction of the water heater. Both lines in the compartment have what looks like to be black shut offs on both which don't seam to turn at all. My water heater does have a drain plug so not really sure what they are for. I have a 2015 Mountaineer.
  • I had room in that area to add a 1 X 4 and plumbed in a kitchen faucet with a hose thread on the faucet for washing dishes and pots outside.
  • Given your valves have screws in top, and what BB TX said I was probably wrong and yours are quarter turn. All three trailers I've had have been black plastic T's but that doesn't mean all are.
  • My Montana low point drain valves are quarter turn valves. 90 degree turn to open, 90 degree turn back to close.
  • Thanks, I'll give that a try..... each valve has a Philips screw holding them in, I'll try pulling on them first...
  • Low point drains as stated. Valves are probably not turn types though, but 'T's that you pull to open, they snap closed again by pushing down.
  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    As Specularius said, they are your water system low point drains. Red is hot and blue is the cold side. They are used to drain the water system. The valves should be quarter turn. They may be a little stiff. Make sure you can open and close them before winter sets in. You might need to use them.