Forum Discussion

Sparky502's avatar
Jul 11, 2014

Whats the benefits of a Fan-tastic vent

A coworker of mine was talking about a salesman giving him a pitch on the Fan-tastic vent fan. What's the advantages and purpose of them?
  • We have two of them, really a nice addition. I can't speak for all the models,but ours;

    Remote control, you can open, close, adjust speed, and/or reverse the flow. Really nice at night to blow cool are into the bedroom.

    Set it to open and start at a pre-set temperature in the RV.

    Closes automatically if it starts to rain.

    Moves a LOT of air, set one to blow in, the other to blow out.

    One drawback is that it will pull sever gas smell into the RV if you don't have a window(s) open OR one fan to blow air in, while the other exhausts air out.
  • A fantastic fan in a roof vent will help keep your rig cooler. Turn the fan on and open a window at the opposite end of your rig. The fan will pull a tremendous amount of air through the rig. They are exactly what the name says FANTASTIC. Great customer service, too. The biggest benefit I like is that you can put a cover on the roof over the vent so it can stay open during the rain.
    I have 2 and would not want to be without them.