Puddles wrote:
3oaks wrote:
eHoefler wrote:
Mineral spirits is a good solvent, it has cleaned everything I can fit in my parts washer solvent tank.
Or I use plain diesel fuel in a bucket and a clean paint brush to clean my wheel bearings and other greasy parts. Along with wearing disposable nitrile gloves from Harbor Freight box of 100. :)
The mechanic who taught me, said to use a cleaning solution that will evaporate and leave the bearing dry before adding grease... diesel, gas & paint thinner will leave a slight oily film that can thin the grease over time. Many different ideas and techniques out there...
'Don't know about the gasoline and paint thinner, I would never use them as a degreaser, especially gasoline. Much too dangerous for several reasons. But it is precisely why I use diesel. It doesn't leave the bearing completely dry and exposed to air and potential oxidation. The oily residue that is left is so minute I doubt it can dilute the new bearing grease enough to have any adverse affect. You would need high tech lab equipment to even detect it in the mix.
To each, their own method. It's what ever works for YOU that counts! ;)