As mentioned, visiting a few RV shows, viewing various floor plans and talking to the manufacturer reps can be fun and somewhat informative when considering a new 5er. Conversely, there are several manufacturers of quality built 5ers who have left the market over the past few years due to the economy.
I'll recommend
RV Consumer Group as a viable source of information. Some folks don't place much stock in their work. However, their 20+ year history is a testament that many do. They rate RVs on the basis of safety, economy, and reliability, while essentially classifying them as vacation, snowbird, and fulltime quality. The membership will cost you for that information. But, it's a paltry sum in relation to your overall expense. It will save you a great deal of legwork while opening up a selection of quality used units that are now orphans, should you decide to pursue that.
There are commercial and government campgrounds all over the country. I've used
RV Park Reviews for commercial parks. Most have a website listing their opening dates and usually offer a monthly rate with the terms thereof.
US Campgrounds-info has been very helpful in locating government campgrounds, their amenities and rates. Typically, the stay limit is 14 days. Good luck in your search.