Forum Discussion

joanw2947's avatar
Jun 11, 2016

Which detergent To use in Splendide washing machine

We are changing rv's. I used liquid detergent in my previous machine (Tide HE). My new Splendide is in a carpeted area (old machine was on linoleum). I was wondering if anyone used Tide or other brand pods. They would be less messy but I am concerned about the quantity of detergent for a small tub. I also read that Splendide recommends a powdered detergent -- specifically theirs. I don't really want to use a powdered detergent since I think is could be messy also, but I would like information about others' experience to help me decide. Thanks.
  • DW uses Gain HE. Also follow directions on machine for amount. Not directions on the bottle. DW uses about 1/2 cap full. We have stacked units.