Forum Discussion

Kootenayguy's avatar
Sep 19, 2019

Will fifth wheel front hit truck back window?

Hi. This question applies to anyone with a 2008 or newer Canadian built Citation Supreme or Corsair Excella 5th wheel. These units have a rounded front and not a flat front. I have a Dodge Ram with a 6'4" box and a B & W Companion fixed (not slider) 5th wheel hitch mounted in the usual position between the wheel wells. Will the front of one of these 5th wheels hit the rear window of the truck on a hard turn? I'm thinking because of the rounded front of the 5th wheel I may be safe. Thanks
  • The very first thing I did when taking delivery of my current 5er, and all of my previous 3 TT's, was to pull forward, hitched, and make a right and left turn as sharp as the truck would go and then notice now close (all my) trailer would come to making contact with the truck. Moving in a forward direction, I found out immediately, I could turn the steering wheel all the way, make a complete circle and (all) my trailers would not make contact or jack knife.

    Now... backing up??? ... absolutely possible to both jack knife and make contact with TT's and 5ers.

    Now ... if the tail gait is down on the truck and I attempt to make a turn with the 5er... um.... NO! It will hit without making much of a turn. Watch those open tail gaits when re-positioning into a campsite and hitching at an angle. I almost did that a couple times, but stopped right before contact occurred. THAT shook me up a bit!
  • Two Hands wrote:
    I think I would certainly find out. Go out into a large parking lot and slowly start making tighter and tighter turns while keeping a close eye on the front cap of your fifth wheel. You will then know for sure.

    It's not as simple as checking/testing on a flat parking lot.
    If the ground is uneven the trailer or truck could pitch or tilt and create contact in a close turn situation.
  • allen8106 wrote:
    If you go far enough yes, regardless of 5th wheel or truck.
    Certainly not true.
    OP; Much depends on any combos particulars....
    hitch location
    how much the trailers front corners are rounded/notched...
    how long is the trailers pin box....
    all can be players in cab to front corner clearances.
  • Normal forward driving...hard turn-----NO

    Flip tight 'U' Turn-----possible

    Backing up & jack knifing truck/trailer....tight manuvering ----VERY possible

    Situation would occur at slow speeds so PAY ATTENTION
  • I think I would certainly find out. Go out into a large parking lot and slowly start making tighter and tighter turns while keeping a close eye on the front cap of your fifth wheel. You will then know for sure.