Putting anti freeze in the fresh water tank isn't something that I would do and I don't know of many trailer owners who do it that way. I use the pump itself to put anti freeze into the water lines. In my 5er there is a hose with a bypass on it just for this purpose. It is near the pump. You stick the hose in the anti freeze container and use the pump to move the anti freeze through the water lines, one by one. The water pump pick up might not be right at the bottom of the tank and therefore there isn't enough anti freeze to get picked up by the pump. If it were me, I would use the fresh water tank drain to empty the tank and catch the anti freeze in a container and use the pump as described above, providing you have the hose and bypass for anti freeze. I would also rinse out the fresh water tank really good. I'm sure other will chime in shortly. Good luck.