My wife and I have been full time for over eight years and were part time for two in the beginning. When we were first looking I spent a long time reading Forums, RV.Net, Irv2 and rvforum. I read these three for at least a month, steady, every day for as long as I could stand it. Some stuff was boring and I soon learned what section was of interest and dug into a lot of areas. I kept a pad on the desk and would write down questions as they came into my head and was amazed that soon, I would answer my question from someone else's experience. When I did not find a answer I would enter and ask a question. Very soon my question would be answered and I would continue to read different threads for days.
After I began to feel comfortable about actually looking at units, my wife and I ventured forth to begin our quest. We had decided on a 34 ft or so Motor Home, diesel if possible and after a few days of searching we found what we were looking for. It had 54,000 miles on it and we felt comfortable in it. It was Winter time and we would go to the Dealers lot where it was on Consignment and just sit in it and dream. After a couple months, maybe 10 day visits, we felt comfortable enough to make an offer, started at a price we felt comfortable with and well below the asking price. We bartered back and forth and finally agreed on a price. We were allowed to drive it 3 times for a half hour or so each time with the salesman and set it up in the dealers lot, slides out, water hose hooked up and generator running one afternoon. Finally, after some tweaking on the final price, we drew the money out of savings and closed, cash on the barrel head and drove away.
A couple years later, we decided to go full time and sold our 34 footer for a 40 footer, went full time and have not ever regretted our choices.
I still review the three forums, post replies when I feel they are appropriate and we purchased memberships as noted in our signature.
Five more states and we will have the lower 48 covered and still find ourselves enjoying what we are doing.
Good Luck to you in your quest for the rig of your choice, Happy Trails, and perhaps we will meet you out on the road.