We have a park model in a membership campground. The membership is about $75 a month and includes garbage and water. That's home base, but we only spend 3-4 months a year there. It is an older model and I spent some time upgrading to low maintenance materials. The trailer and all the outbuildings have metal roofs now which shed most leaves and don't leak..and won't need to be replaced in my lifetime. It was some work and a bit of expense but worth it I think. We put down plastic tarps to catch as many leaves as possible in October and take them up in December before we leave for warmer climes for a couple of months. I've made sure all the surfaces are gravel, cement pavers, or composite decking. We shut off the water when we are not there. Keep these things in mind and upkeep can be minimal...and since it is during the summers when we are gone to BC and AK the months when we are not there are those least likely have problems.