Uh, kinda gone off topic here. Question was how camping may have changed due to influx of newbie RV-ers, the unemployed, and Covid.
Yes, Florida Parks like Gamble Rogers are booked solid (duh) and have been for years, others in the State in the past not so much, especially during the week.
However, back to the main question being posed: How has it changed? COE parks, NSP parks? BLM areas filled with desperadoes dumping sewage on the ground?
It seems that our plans to sell this house and go fulltime for a few years may have changed due to Covid and the lack of centralized response to control disease. I mean, why in the hell did we have a CDC filled with medical experts on the federal salary and not have let them drive the train? We figure that our situation now is relegated to staying in RV parks, crammed together, for the FHP needed to reduce exposure having to use the showers and dump station.