I nearly died from mercury poisoning. It created hundreds of allergies. Western docs will tell you there is no cure. There is. It's called NAET and you can do much of it yourself with a pair of $20 Bongers (blue balls on sticks). You hold the allergen (directly or in glass) and press pressure points which retrain your body to think of it as safe. I've been telling my buyers who mention allergies about this and one told me she can now eat eggs without having to go to the hospital. I paid $2000 for treatments @ $45 each until I realized I could do it myself. You just have to be able to be completely clear of the allergen for 24 hrs after the treatment. So you have to treat pollen allergies in the off-season (scrape up some pollen and keep it in a jar) or have them treated by a practitioner. It works. I'm allergy free -- and I was even allergic to the minerals in spring water. Not even allergic to cats anymore (but getting the hair off the cat is the hard part).
Also, important to know, a deficiency of magnesium is what turns us into allergy factories in the first place. Low maagnesium causes elevated histamine. So many docs are prescribing calcium and ignoring the magnesium. That's what's responsible for most of the cases of insomnia -- and that same deficiency can put you in allergy mode as well. If you wake up from light in the room when you're sleeping that's another sign you're low in mag. Get a good chelated form...take to bowel tolerance. Mag oxide (most cheap formulas) will mess up the gut -- stick to mag citrate or (the cadillac of mags, but very expensive) mag orotate.
Another great supplement for allergies is a Chinese formula called xiao yao wan. It's a tonic for the liver which is the home of allergies in Chinese medicine. I was taking it for the mercury condition and couldn't figure out why one spring I'd have allergies then the next I wouldn't. I realized I didn't have them at all the years I was taking the Xiao Yao Wan. Best price is through an import company in SanFran, by the case. "goacupuncture.com". Take anywhere from 8 to 20 of the tea-pills 3x a day, reduce to 8 after the symptoms are gone. Really good stuff. No side-effects. Their Xiao Yao Wan is mercury/metal free. I've taken them for 20 years. A case ($25-30) will last you about 3 months.
It makes me crazy when people say there's no cure for allergies. I can post the instructions for self-treatment with NAET if anyone is interested. It's very very simple.