Keep in mind that allergy shots are formulated to reduce your risk for the allergens you react to where you are living. So if you move around the country, a shot for ragweed is not going to help in an area where that is not present. Our son is allergic and asthmatic. He took allergy shots for YEARS and finally said, enough is enough. He quit cold turkey, didn't really notice much difference. He moved to Florida after college and got off most his meds. REcently he's had to start up again. His doctor there says that when you change atmospheres, your body takes quite some time to adjust. . . so you may have a "reprieve" of sorts until it starts noticing the contaminants in the air around you. Once your body adjusts to the new atmosphere, you can be bothered again, but after 11 years, he is still better in Florida than he was in Indiana. And when he returns to cold weather occasionally, he is again affected greatly by his asthma.
A lot of allergy meds can be found now OTC. I have allergies, but not as badly as before we went full time. So when I need something, I do the OTC. So far with 9 years of fulltiming under our belt, that works for us.