Forum Discussion

MookieKat's avatar
Sep 29, 2013

Full-time kitchen questions

As I consider the possibility of full-timing, I have a lot of questions that come up. Would love to hear from you full-timers on how you deal with these things.

1. How do you deal with those tiny sinks on a full-time basis? I am so used to the large residential sinks that I wonder...

2. How do you feel about washing dishes by hand forever after you have been used to a dishwasher in the house?

3. Does anyone have an extra freezer in their rig or in the basement?

Because we live in a very rural area, we make monthly trips to buy our meats in bulk at Whole Foods and I realized that we could never store that food in the tiny freezers in the RVs. If we are on the road, the WFs are few and far between, so we would need to buy in bulk...not for one month, but at least for a couple of weeks. Or is there another way to deal with shopping for healthy and organic foods?

Thanks in advance!