Forum Discussion

MrsStephenson's avatar
Jun 08, 2013

Full time RVing with a tech job

Hi Everyone,

I recently joined and was hoping I could ask you seasoned full timers some questions. My husband and I are living in Northern California where the cost of living is pretty high. We are trying to cut costs and do everything we can to get ourselves out of debt. We stumbled upon the idea of RVing full time and LOVE IT. The only problem is that my husband is currently working as a systems admin and would need a job similar to it he can take on the road. I was thinking something like a IT support position where he can telecommute but I have searched job boards and don't see anything like that out there.

So my question is this. Do any of you or anyone you know, work in the IT world full time and still RV full time? Is that even possible?

Thank you!
Mrs Stephenson
  • Tough to get a telecommuting job as a new hire. Only possible solution is to work on contract. I worked remote the last 10 years, prior to retiring last year, but had been with the company for 10 years prior to that.
  • I knew one lady who fulltimed and supported herself as a web developer. I'm also sending you a PM.
  • It can be done, but getting "home officed" by the current employer will probably be the easiest method...
    I worked on the road as a Telecom Project Manager, using a DSL brought into the RV park by the local telco...vpn into the corporate network, and used a VoIP phone with my Indiana home office number, while sitting in Arizona. My boss was OK with it, as long as my ability to support my customers was not compromised.

  • We don't full time, but I work in the IT industry. But I do work remotely routinely when we are camping (extending my Vacation time).

    WiFi Repeater - for CGs that have WiFi available
    Wilson DT - Wireless Booster (with external antenna)
    Verizon MiFi - Wireless hotspot (with external antenna)
    McDonalds/WiFi spot - When all else fails...

    I can work and get by with the above solutions. In a few rare occasions that I can not get connected - I can usually find a local office for the company and use a touchdown station.

    Good luck and safe travels.
  • RVing is not cheap. If you think you can find a tech job that you can take on the road while your travel the country in a RV and live cheaply, you are fooling yourself and the whole scheme is a recipe for disaster.

    While you may indeed have too expensive living arrangements that need to be scaled back, if you are trying to get out of debt, the Dave Ramsey approach seems to have worked for millions.