The vast majority of fulltimers these days rely on cell providers for their internet. The cell system has been expanded & upgraded to the point where almost everywhere you can find a cell connection. Even in remote areas of the west where I spend most of my time, except for a few isolated pockets, I have no issues relying solely on cellular internet. In some areas it takes a good external antenna and/or a booster amp. Its not always the fastest and its not cheap, depending on how much data you use in a month.
Some folks still reply on campground & public WiFi spots. But those rarely give you fulltime access, wherever you travel. Wifi is good as a backup, to help preserve your limited cell data allowance, and for those who only need internet occasionally.
Years ago, before the cell systems were expanded, mobile Sat internet (Motosat/Datastorm) was a popular but expensive option. I don't see any new customers going that route these days, with cellular so readily available.
jornvango wrote:
This may be a silly question but after reading so many posts on here that discuss how to get TV channels in your RV while fulltiming, I wonder how you get (satellite) internet?