ETyson wrote:
Hello I work for the Good Sam RV Travel Guide and wanted to clarify the difference in the shipping costs you have found among different vendors inclusing ourselves, and clear any confusion casued by ealrier posts.
We do sell the Directory through our own Good Sam Member Services with the flat fee of $6 for s/h. Order line is: 1-800-234-3450, as well as inquiries on orders you have placed with Good Sam Member Services.
Camping World is one our distributors and just like other distributors that sell the directory - i.e Amazon, Barnes & Noble, RV dealers and distributors, then they have their own retail price and shipping costs they set, as well as free shipping offers, for example when they buy a certain amount of goods.
I will be sure to clear the confusion arising in our Good Sam Members Services agents that they need to be clear on the original source of the sale and that Camping World has it's own call center and ordering system.
Thank you for your feedback and comments - it is all taken seriously and is invaluable to us to ensure we improve our services.
Kind regards,
Ellen Tyson
Sr Product & Marketing Manager
Good Sam RV Travel Guide
Where on the website can one order the directory for $6 shipping? I found 2 places on the website to order it. One is a banner on the lower right side and another throught your shopping mneu link at the top. Both take me to the website with the higher priced shipping.
So, even though Camping World and Good Sam Club have been basically made into one, Camping World is still considered an entirely different entity with an entirely different shipping rate? I would think that Camping World would have better shipping rates since they obviously ship way more stuff than the Good Sam Club part the entity does.
Put it on the GSC website at $6! And if it's there somewhere, put it where it can be found and not hidden.