Your resort, East Coast Resorts/Bass Lake in Parish, New York has recently been sold to Travel Resorts of America. Since Bass Lake is your home resort, this sales relates to your home resort membership but does not impact your Coast to Coast membership. I know both your former owners and your new owners, and I think you will see this as a very seamless transition. Fabian & Shawn Russell were great owners, and Travel Resorts likewise runs a top-notch resort operation. With the acquisition of Bass Lake, Travel Resorts owns and operates 7 resorts in New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Florida. They are the largest Coast affiliate along the East Coast, so with this sale you will likely find yourself with more travel options. I have visited their resorts and threfore can assure you that you will find them on a par with your resort in Parish, which I have also visited multiple times. If you have any further questions please email me at