This is a practice that is done by many memberships/organizations. As a past bass tournament angler I have had memberships in BASS, American Bass Anglers, FLW, and several other organizations. They always offer early renewals, sometimes with discounts. Sometimes with special gifts. Even the American Legion will send me renewal requests 6 months early. All for a good reason. To obtain funds that can be invested and earn dividends prior ever needing to use those funds for any payout the may or may not need. It beats inflation. It isn't some outrageous, sneaky, scheme to defraud anyone. It's a way of ensuring the organization's life and provide what services if offers. It also helps that organization judge prospective future for the Org.
As for expiration dates of memberships, GS is right on the card, as is GS Roadside Assistance, and same as the others I mentioned. Not that difficult to use it as a reminder to check an expiration date. You either decide to renew at that time or not. Just not something that gets my blood pressure up.
This may not sit well with some, but I guess I just look at it as a part of a good business plan.