Actually it ended up to $4.16 per mile, since tows are calculated to round trip ,mileage as a vast majority of the time they are returning empty and the truck owner has to still pay the driver and pay for the tow truck. Last time I drove a heavy duty tow truck was about 1990. Back then, a large wrecker didn't leave the gate for less than $150, so even back then you would have gotten a good deal. Then add in running air for suspension, pulling something in the drive line, and caging brakes. Had you paid the entire bill, it probably would have been over $800, so you did well and in accordance with the terms that you agreed to.
Everyone knows that I am not a fan of GS, and especially the CEO, but I will try to call the balls and strikes fairly. This one was straight down the middle at belt high for GSRA.
Now, please excuse me while I disinfect my keyboard.