TennTechMan wrote:
timmac wrote:
What I am wondering if I disconnect the battery for 30 minutes would this reset the ecu back to stock mode
Disconnecting the battery will have NO effect on what tune is loaded (flashed) into the engine computer.
There are two ways that the computer could be retuned. One is with the handheld programmer that has been discussed. That could flash the computer, be tossed away, and you would have no way of externally knowing that it isn't stock.
The other way to retune the computer is with a physical chip. You should check to see if your MH has this installed. Once you find the ECU, there should be a black cover on the end of the ECU opposite the large electrical plug. Remove the black cover (sometimes it doesn't get re-installed). If you see open electrical contacts on the board, there is no chip. If you see an extra PCB attached to the connector, you have a chip.
You don't really need to have the stock tune in the vehicle to flash it with a handheld device. You just need to know that there isn't a chip in the ECU. When you flash with a handheld, the device pulls whatever tune is stored in the ECU, saves it, then replaces it. Doesn't really matter if it's stock tune or not. If there's a chip though when you try to flash, it will ruin the chip and/or disable the ECU.
I hope that helps.
Thanks I was wondering if the battery disconnect might not work, still waiting on reply back from Banks on what to do, I understand I can just do a new upload and save what is on the ecu now, but I am sort of picky and would like to have stock ecu mode saved and able to put it back when needed, might just bite the bullet and take it to Ford and pay them to reflash back to stock mode and start fresh, I tend to keep this motorhome for a long time..