Forum Discussion

Goinmobile's avatar
Sep 11, 2013

1985 Holiday Rambler Aluma-Lite XL?

Hi. It's been awhile since I've been here. I have bad luck with RVs it seems. I had a 96 when the fridge caught fire and totaled it, then bought an Airstream 190B. Came home for Christmas and some idiot ran the stop sign and I totaled that as well. I'm recovered enough to jump back into fulltiming and came across a great deal on a HRC Aluma-Lite XL 24 foot Class C. Drove it 200 miles home with no issues.
I was just wondering if anyone knows much about these? The whole RV is aluminum and in great shape. I was wondering what the "XL" package consisted of? Also--where can I find a maunual on this model?
It's getting cold up here and getting ready to head south. Thanks!
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    Holiday had several "lines" or all them Trim Levels. Under the names Holiday Rambler, Aluma-Lite, MacKenzie... You're right. Aluminum Frame, Roof, Sides, Fiberglass Caps on both ends. Great coach. Hold onto it if you can.

    Ours was a 24-ft "HR Ambassador" which was the bottom of the line. Imperial was the top for the HR versions. I've seen Aluma-Lites but never explored one.

    Roof was sealed with a thin "butyl" tape. I took all that off and went over every seam with Eternabond One-Step 4" tape.