Forum Discussion

Aintright's avatar
Jul 06, 2016

1988 gulf stream 460 Ford motor vacuum lines

I am sorry if I am not posting this in the right forum.

I have a 1988 gulf stream with the John Deere chassis and a Ford 460 motor. I need the diagram for the vacuum lines. Some are not connected and some are rotten and needs replaced. I am planning on replacing them all. Thank in advance for any help anyone can give me.
  • You may find that some of the vacuum-powered anti-smog devices have been removed, leaving the lines in place but not connected. We had an '85 Class C with that engine - what a disaster!

    Since we don't have a requirement for smog testing every year, I unhooked quite a few of them to get the engine running better. We still only got about 6 mpg and that dropped to about 4.5 at altitude. Many of our trips were over the Cascades into Eastern WA and even with $2 gas, trips were expensive.
  • Look on the engine, air cleaner cover and all around for a sticker that has a diagram of the vacuum lines. If that fails, go to a local auto store and get a Haynes or Chilton's manual for a 1988 or so ford truck. You could also try contacting a ford dealer, maybe they could email you a diagram. Good luck with your repairs.
