Forum Discussion

kimberlysmoore's avatar
Oct 29, 2017

1990 bounder turning gene on and off i hear buzz sound

Just picked the Bounder up yesterday. Please, no comments regarding choice, we were severely limited with our choices.
1990 bounder 40'
Generator hasn't been perfect since we picked it up but it's running smoother as we use it. It has developed a few issues:
1 a slight hum when I turn on the microwave at the breaker box
2 a buzz sound when turning on and a buzz sound when turning off. It doesn't last long (2 to 4 seconds) but I want to know if anyone has experienced it and what it might be
  • Is the hum at the breakers and not anywhere else? try cycling the breakers 4 or 5 times with all 120 volt power disconnected. It may be the main breaker, or loose connections in the breaker box, or the transfer switch. If you are not comfortable with 120 volt AC, get some guidance from someone you may know. Things are tight to get to the transfer switch, if you have one.
  • ksg5000 wrote:
    Might be loose wire and/or defective breaker. Have you measured the voltage put out by the generator?

    Not yet. I need a lesson on using my multimeter.
    I just bought a fairly decent one a few weeks ago..I don't want to do anything wrong and fry something
    The buzz didn't happen a little while ago but I am still getting the "hum" sound unless I turn of the microwave OR the refrigerator at the breaker box while the gene is running.
  • I just worked on one ina 90 Fleetwood where the fuel pump made a loud buzzing noise.
    It's right at the front of the gen and will be easy to discern if it's the source.
  • Might be loose wire and/or defective breaker. Have you measured the voltage put out by the generator?