Forum Discussion

dahlia55's avatar
May 26, 2013

1990 Fleetwood Flair chassis fusebox location? Pls help.

Hello. I ran my heater and toaster at the same time and suspect I blew a fuse. The owners manual says the fuse would run off the chassis elec. system, but is very vague as to where the fuse is located. I checked under the engine access cover between the drivers and passengers seat, but all I see is the air filter! No fuse box there. I see a fuse box by the emerg. brake handle, and managed to pull a few fuses and all seemed fine. Didn't pull them all though. (why pull the wiper or ignition system fuse!!) I have no 112V outlets, no electrical heat....pretty cold in here too now. We have 6 degrees celcius tonight. Any suggestions? Much thanks in advance!! Shauna.

P.S. It is a Chevy chassis, and I checked all the fuses and reset the Circuit breakers next to the converter. No luck.
  • Hi. I have only one GCFI C.B. It is in the bathroom. The problem is a 120V problem. The heater is electric. Same unit as the air conditioner. So I can't plug in the heater as it is hard wired to the chassis. I just checked the post,and there is no juice flowing through it. No C.B. at the post. Will drive up to the front office to have them reset it. I think we have the problem solved. Fingers crossed!
  • Chassis fuse block on GM chassis is located under dash left side of the steering column.
    There is 12 volt fuses located behind metal plate next to 120 volt cicuit breakers.
    There is on some Fleetwood products fuses in battery control center under hood driver's side.
    What is your problem that you are trying to find? Is it a 120 volt volt issue or a 12 volt issue? 120 volt circuits normally do not have fuses.
    You said "heater" ? is this the propane furnace or was it an electric one?
  • Try resetting the breaker (30-50A) at the outside post. Check other outlets. Temporarily plug in a good extension cord at the post run it thru a window and plug in the heater. Ask around the park for help.
  • Dutch_12078 wrote:
    Do you have any GFCI outlets that have tripped?

    X 2

    My thoughts when I was reading OP post.
