thanks more_to_see. I am compiling all this information and have tried to locate the relay. I found only 1 relay on the dog house near the gas peddle on the inside but believe it is A.I.R Converter Module assembly has 14103304 on the top of it but not positive. I have seen 1 diagram that shows the AIR and the fuel pump relay both mounted on the side wall of the dog house and then saw another with only the fuel pump relay so I am not certain if this is the fuel pump relay or not. It does have five pins and has a red wire not connected to anything leading me to believe this is bypass test wire. Do you or anybody know the part # for the fuel pump relay? I was at my dads tonight looking at his 92 bounder on a P30 and the engine would run with this same relay unplugged. Would not start if both the relay and oil sensor was unplugged. Engine would start if it was plugged in and Oil sensor unplugged. I could hear the fuel pump when the key was turned on weather this relay was plugged in or not which leads me to believe this is not the fuel pump relay or it has been bypassed. Also the engine stayed running for over a min with the oil sensor unplugged. It made no sense cause the engine should have not kept running with the oil sensor unplugged so this did not help me one bit. On a side note it seemed as if the past owner of the Bounder had bypassed the something and ran the fuel pump where it did not need the oil switch and possibly the relay????!!!!! Forget the Bounder need to stay focused on the Southwind! lol BTW before I stopped at my dad I was looking for the relay on the southwind and turned on the ignitions and noticed all the gauges work the parking brake light is on but no check engine light! Any other input is appreciated.