The ign fuse on my coach was down under the dash near my left foot. I have a drivers door so I as able to get to it pretty easy. It also concerns me that I do not know why it blew. I did notice that the auto park light and check engine light are all powered by the ign circuit. I can remember a few times when I put my coach in park that the engine died but it has always started back up no problem with no blown fuse. I wonder if the switch on the column for the auto park is going bad. Something I will have to investigate. I never found a 20 amp fuse either but there is a mess of mires under the dash and 2 relays sitting on top of where the steering wheel column connects to the coach. The 8ish volts I was getting was on the wire that runs to the sending unit. I am trying to find out if that wire should have any voltage and if so how much. My gas gauge reads full so I suspect there might just be a bad ground. I am going to test the gauge while I have the dash apart. Thanks for the link.