Forum Discussion

Tommy_U's avatar
Jun 24, 2014

1994 Fleetwood Southwind Brochure or Floor plans 92-95

I am trying to locate a sales brochure for a 1994 Fleetwood Southwind. Fleetwoods archives only go back to 1999. If anybody has one they can scan to color pdf or even b&w for that matter it would be greatly appreciated!!!! I really need to get a copy of the floor plan if nothing more.
  • I am not sure of the exact model, on a 1989 it would be most like the 30E but mine is longer and the rear bed is not sideways. I have tried google and still no luck finding my floorplan. Where could I find the model#?
    Ok I was able to get hold of Fleetwood and gave them the FIN#, they sent me a very low res PDF of the original brochure and I was able to find out the floor plan and the specs I wanted to know. There was still a 30E produced but mine is 32H
  • Google "1994 Southwind floor plans". The first find gives you many pictures and floor plans.